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No-Cost Resources for Suppliers

of PI&A Products and Services

Through our research activities over the years we have discovered several no-cost sources of useful market information concerning the process industries and process instrumentation and automation (PI&A) products and services.


For our Clients, and visitors to our website, we are preparing a series of white papers that describe how to access these available, web-based resources.


While each resource is unique, there are some common attributes, and caveats, such as:


  • The sources are industry-specific. The first in our white paper series covers natural gas LNG facilities, natural gas storage, and gas pipelines. Others to come will cover other industries such as electric utility generation plants, etc.


  • There are varying degrees of completeness and detail in each source. Some sources provide update schedules, while others will change onlyas new data becomes available to the source. Caveat: people using our white papers to access any of the marketing information resources will need to perform their own analysis of the data.We provide direction to the information, but no due diligence.


  • All the resources we have identified, so far, are from U.S. federal government websites.


  • Some resources include information concerning process industries in Canada and/or Mexico. Caveat: The completeness of this information will require extra due diligence.


Each white paper includes directions to the pertinent information within the source website. In general, We have not included URLs (other than to the homepage of the source) because these websites, like most, will change over time and any URLs will not necessarily work after changes to the website. By identifying the download link or other appropriate sources within the website, a user can probably track down the data in a new website layout.


A question that comes up often from our clients concerns locating individual company information and identifying planned new construction projects in the process industries.


Commercial firms such as Construction Monitor,, Dodge Data & Analytics, ConstructConnect Company, and CMD Group (Reed Construction Data) provide fee-based project lists and lead generation. Other fee-based companies such as Dun & Bradstreet, Hoovers, and infoUSA, provide company and plant level information with some management contacts.

Through our research, we have discovered several no-cost sources of both project information and facility location, such as the FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) and the EIA (Energy Information Agency). These sources are industry-specific, with varying degrees of completeness and detail.


Part 1 -  the first paper, takes you to the FERC (US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) and covers: natural gas LNG installations, pipelines, and storage facilities; and hydro-power.

To see Part 1, GO HERE >>


Part 2 - the second paper, guides you to the EIA (US Energy Information Agency) as a source for information on current and planned new electrical generating facilities.

To see Part 2, GO HERE >>





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