Business Research and Analysis for the Process Instrumentation & Automation Industry
Product Line Forecast Reports
75 Individual Process Automation Product Lines are now available with market size
and forecast data. See Details Here
Global Automation Research LLC is making available 75 individual product lines packaged in an Excel workbook suitable for pivot table analysis and importing to database programs.
Each product line is segmented by industry with 5 year forecast.
Designed to provide Clients with quick access to basic product line market size and forecasts.
Available annually in September to support Client planning endeavors for the next year.
Priced per product line, so an order can include one product line or more, up to the total of 75.
MCAA Members get a 30 percent discount.
For more information and a complete list of available product lines, see More Here
A Singular Industry Resource:
the Process Automation Market Database

The Global Automation Research LLC
Process Automation Market Database covers 85 product & service lines, each segmented by 12 industry categories and 13 Geographic Regions
A note from the President
I've been part of the Process Instrumentation and Automation Industry for about 30 years. As a Founder and Managing Partner of Global Automation Research LLC, I've had the privelege to work with 80+ Clients on over 500 proprietary projects with our principals and associates, worldwide. We have developed a set of unique services and products that address the very special market, technical and industry planning needs of our
Clients. It has been a pleasure to know and work with so many people in the industry over the years. And, our association with MCAA and its members have been a source of unique business opportunities combined with many good friends.

Research & Analysis:
Unique, Client Specific Reports
For 20 years Global Automation Research LLC has provided the Process Automation Industry with Client-Specific research and analysis focused on process instrumentation and automation products and services.
Four unique services have evolved.
Market Opportunity Briefings. A Market Opportunity Briefing is not another generic market report. It is a presentation of client selected market information from the Process Automation Market Database. The briefing is focused on the product categories, industry segments and geographic regions of interest to you. As an interactive review, there are opportunities for questions and extended discussions throughout the presentation. All data presented, and other supporting information, is provided to the Client in an Excel workbook.
Market Assessments. If a Client requires a more focused, deeper consideration of specific product or market segment, the Market Assessment meets this need. A Market Assessment is closest to a traditional “custom market research project”, but Global Automation Research LLC brings unique industry and product experience, advanced research methods, broad industry and regional coverage and an unparalleled focus on the process instrumentation and automation (PI&A) market. More Here
Acquisition Strategic Services. Global Automation Research LLC has extensive experience in providing Clients with strategic acquisition support. Acquisition of an entire company, a product line, or a new technology involves unique challenges the acquiring company. Our Acquisition Strategic Services range from market research & analysis to establish a good basis for future business, market, and product planning, through identification of candidates, and, on selection of a candidate, market due diligence, competitive situation, and customer satisfaction assessments. More Here
Product Line Forecast PLF Reports. Based on the Annual MCAA Industry Market Forecast report, the PLF reports provide access to the 75 individual product lines that compose the MCAA report product categories.
Clients can choose from top level process automation industry overviews down to detailed individual product market analysis Go Here >>